Friday, July 11, 2014

Concrete Bed

Happy Fucking Friday! I don't know about you, but this week seemed to last a lifetime. But here we are, Friday at last. I am, of course, wearing my Friday uniform (black tank top, skinny jeans, black flip flops), which as it turns out, is my every-day-of-the-week uniform. Weird. Anyway, I'm experiencing a case of the Universe giving me exactly what I needed today in the form of my morning album selection. As I've said before, I believe everything happens for a reason, there is no such thing as a coincidence. So when I left the house this morning and selected The Weight Is A Gift by Nada Surf, I just thought it was because I hadn't listened to it in awhile. Turns out there was much more to it than that (duh!). "To find someone you love, you've got to be someone you love..."

The weather is perfect today in NYC (warm, but not sweltering, cool breeze blowing) and the air actually smells good (as opposed to the usual, pee and garbage). I took a moment to realize how lucky I am for a multitude of reasons and just went about my merry way with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Time to refocus for the last six months of the year and really make the best of this life or at least this year. And there is my hippie thought for the day...

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Peace, love and beach weather,

"Concrete Bed"

The world's locked up in your head
You've been pouring it a concrete bed
Your habits ossify
You don't realize you're fried
To find someone you love
You've gotta be someone you love
The reason's somewhere in the din
But it takes years 'til it sinks in
You've used up the easy streets
And you lost your taste for treats
So fried
Stay high if you have to
Do whatever it asks you
You've got another calling
Don't let it pass you
You know it coz you wrote it
You just didn't think you'd actually do it
It's just another wish you wished 
In a very long list
To find someone you love
You've gotta call your own bluff

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I've got thick skin and an Elastic Heart; 1000 Forms Of Fear Album Review

Released: 7/8/14
Label: RCA (division of Sony Music Entertainment)
Noteworthy tracks: (all of them, but specifically...) Chandelier, Big Girls Cry, Hostage, Elastic Heart, Free The Animal, Fire Meet Gasoline

I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Sia's new album 1000 Forms of Fear since "Elastic Heart" was released on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Soundtrack last Fall. And then again when "Chandelier" was released in March of this year. Two virtually perfect songs on one album could mean one of two things. This album was going to be full of "hit-worthy" tracks, since Sia is an acclaimed songwriter for others and not just herself ("Pretty Hurts" - Beyonce, to name just one...) the chances that she would really knock her own album out of the park were pretty good. Or the rest of the album would be an incredible disappointment, yielding the only two tracks worth listening to previewed before the album was even finished. I mentioned to a friend yesterday that I was nervous to listen to the album, I didn't want to be disappointed. So many of my favorite tracks have been accompanied by less than stellar releases. One of the pitfalls to releasing singles so far in advance of the full release. 

After listening to the album back-to-back-to-back, I can categorically say this album is phenomenal. Sia absolutely knocks it so far out of the park, the ball is never found. Each track brings something unique but cohesive to this collection of songs. Feel free to do what I did and listen three times in a row. Afterwards, I'm fairly certain you will be in love with this album as much as I am. Now, the question is...will she tour in support of this album? She has already done several appearances for "Chandelier" and in promo for the album, however it is unlikely she will tour. Sia is typically one who shies away from celebrity and public appearances in general, so my guess would be she will skip a nationwide/worldwide tour. Total bummer and I hope she proves me wrong...

"Chandelier" (Official Video)