Monday, May 12, 2014

It's all happening...

I've always been a little hippie deep down inside, but recently I've stopped suppressing it. If you're my friend you've probably been on the receiving end of my suggestion of yoga for whatever ails you. Feeling depressed? Do yoga. Sad about the current state of your relationship? Do yoga. Not sure where your career is taking you? Do yoga. I get a lot of eye-rolls, but my response is, try it. If after the first class you don't feel like you have a greater insight into your problem, then I'll shut up and never mention it again. I've also started suggesting meditation. This suggestion gets me even more eye-rolls and a few groans as well. Again, just try it. If it doesn't work, never do it again. But the not trying part is bullshit. It may not solve your problems in one sitting, but I promise, you are more likely to find what you are looking for at the end of a meditation than at the bottom of a bottle. Trust me. I've done the leg work.

Since the unofficial start of summer is next weekend (Memorial Day), I have decided I am going to let my hippie flag fly; the Summer of Love 2014! I am taking on a new mantra {I have enough, I am enough}. I am going to be positive. I am going to smile, a lot. I am going to manifest the shit out of this summer. Good things are's all happening.

Peace and love,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Twenty Years Ago: Weezer - The Blue Album

Weezer - self titled, aka The Blue Album
May 10, 1994

My Name Is Jonas
No One Else
The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
Buddy Holly
Undone – The Sweater Song
Surf Wax America
Say It Ain't So
In the Garage
Only in Dreams 

From the first note in "My Name Is Jonas" to the last note of "Only In Dreams" I love this album. Every track. Every chorus. Every everything. I was thinking about it before I started writing this, if I love this album because it reminds me of a certain time in my life and the answer is yes. And no...

Of course I love this album because it reminds me of my youth. Freshman year of High School. In love with the cool, hot senior on the basketball team. Getting picked on by the bitchy senior girls at the table across from me and my friends at lunch. Doc Martens. Tight rolling jeans. Watching the "uncool kids" skateboarding home after school while I walked. My white Esprit tote bag (which I still have). I hear this album and I am instantly transported back to me and all my awkwardness. But I also love this album because the music is fucking amazing. The guitar, though not entirely complicated doesn't have to be. It's purposeful. The voice, hitting those high notes you didn't expect. The lyrics, singing about the every man or kid depending on your perspective. You understood how he felt. Guy or girl. You understood the heartache. He was you, singing about you. It just made sense. And it always will...

I wonder what will be said about this album in another 20 years? I'm pretty sure my opinions won't change, if anything I'll fee closer to it than I do today (which always feels like the case the farther from something you get). And I'm pretty sure the music community as a whole won't change their opinion either. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Have a great weekend! Don't forget to call Mom!
Peace, love and Buddy Holly glasses,

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Crocodile Rock

I haven't done a post strictly about shoes in awhile (shame on me) so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity and rainy day to show off these super cute new shoes I got. (note: of course the sun came out while I was typing this, le sigh)

I pretty much think Crocs are disgusting. Intended for the medical and chef professions and children who are notorious slobs and need a good hosing off every now and then. Well that all changed after one of my FAVORITE Project Runway alums, Mondo Guerra, released a line for the brand.  I felt a little dirty walking into the store, surrounded by plastic shoes and seriously ugly plastic shoes at that..but I took one for the team (and by team I mean my feet).

If you don't know much about Guerra, I've included some pics of his designs below the shoes. As you can see, the shoes are VERY much inline with his design aesthetic. A man that designs in mostly black and white with pops of color?! Is a man after my own heart.

For pricing and store locations check out the Crocs website!

Peace, love and shoes,

My happy feet!

Photos care of (1) {PL} Instagram, (2,3,4) Crocs website, (5) BuddyTV (6) MarieClaire (7) Examiner