In a week, I am leaving my job. I gave it three years and ten pounds. But life is too short to spend eight hours a day in a place that makes you unhappy. So, it's time to move on and figure some shit out.
Since I will have some time on my hands, I have decided to put a Get Healthy Plan into action.
I took my first Soul Cycle with one of my best friends on Thursday and loved it so much, I bought a class pack and am fully prepared to be this sore forever, if it means I am finally doing cardio that I actually like. I used to run, but after a few injuries I had to accept the fact that running long distances was no longer an option. Soul Cycle is perfect. Loud music. 45 minutes of balls to the wall, sweat your face off cardio.

Another weapon in my Get Healthy Plan is Physique 57. Strength training for ballerinas. Integrating dance moves and stretches with strength training. I want to awe people with my killer arms and I know this class can get me there...
The glue that keeps me together. Yoga. I have been doing yoga on and off since my senior year of college, 11 years ago. I took a class as my physical fitness requirement in my last semester and fell in love. The physical benefits are amazing but it's the emotional and spiritual benefits that really hit the home run for me. Yoga keeps me sane, quiets my NYC brain and is the answer to every question in my life.
The final piece to the puzzle. Diet (rolls eyes). I hate restricting what I eat, but I love to eat. SO clearly I have to strike a balance, otherwise I would be shoving cupcakes in my face hourly. Oh, did I mention I love to bake? It ain't easy being me. But I have decided that I need to go all in to make this year my healthiest ever. The older I get, the more weight I gain and the more I feel it. Sluggish. Tired. Occasionally blue. It's time to step it up, cut the excuses and finally put in 100%.